
Bangladesh, a developing nation in South Asia, has experienced significant economic growth in recent years. With a rapidly expanding workforce and a high demand for employment opportunities, the job market in Bangladesh has become a crucial aspect of the nation’s socio-economic landscape. The job market in Bangladesh has witnessed significant changes in recent years. As the country strives for economic growth and development, the demand for employment opportunities has increased. This essay aims to delve into the current reality of the job market in Bangladesh, shedding light on the challenges, opportunities, and the overall state of employment in the country. The job market in Bangladesh has witnessed significant changes in recent years. With a growing population and an expanding economy, the demand for jobs has increased.


Recent Status:

The nature of the job market is changing very rapidly. New jobs are being created. The service sector job market is growing very fast (eg: telecommunication, banking, health etc.). Also the salary is increasing very fast. Improvements in technology and communication systems are reducing the locational importance of the workplace. The number of permanent jobs is decreasing. Many avenues are now open in front of both employers and job seekers. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have created more job opportunities than large enterprises. Employees are now changing jobs from one sector (Industry / Sector) to another sector. Employers are now determining the salary based on how much value the job seeker is able to provide.

Currently skills are given more priority than degrees in the job market Customer satisfaction is being prioritized, as due to increasing competition, customers now have many options to choose from.

Mentioned below are some of important skills that are sought among today’s job aspirants.

Communication skill:  

Communication skills are abilities you use when giving and receiving different kinds of information. While these skills may be a regular part of your day-to-day work life, communicating in a clear, effective and efficient way is an extremely critical and useful skill. Learning from great communicators around you and actively practicing ways to improve your communications over time can certainly support your efforts to achieve various personal and professional goals.

Some important characterizes of communication skills are given below for your understand.


1. Active listening:

Active listening, sometimes called appreciative listening or mindful listening, means paying close attention to who you’re communicating with by engaging with them, asking questions and rephrasing. Practicing active listening can build respect with your colleagues and increase understanding in the workplace. As you actively listen, focus on the speaker and avoid distractions like cell phones and laptops.

Improve your active listening skills by paying attention to other people’s facial expressions, body language and tone of voice. Instead of preparing what you plan to say next, focus on what the other person is saying and how they’re speaking. If you want to clarify something, ask follow-up questions or rephrase what they’ve said to confirm that you understood them correctly.

 2. Using the right communication method:

Using the right way to communicate is an important skill. There are benefits and disadvantages to communicating through emails, letters, phone calls, in-person meetings or instant messages. Communicating is better when you consider your audience, what information you want to share and the best way to share it.

For example, if you’re communicating with a potential employer, it may be better to send a formal email or call them on the phone. In the workplace, you may find it easier to communicate complex information in person or via a video conference than by email. Building remote workplace friendships is easier when you can communicate through instant messages.

3. Friendliness:

Friendly traits like honesty and kindness can help foster trust and understanding when communicating at work. Try to communicate with a positive attitude, keep an open mind and ask questions to help you understand where they’re coming from. Small gestures such as asking someone how they’re doing, smiling as they speak or offering praise for work well done can help you foster productive relationships with colleagues and managers.

You can practice friendliness by remembering small, thoughtful details about your colleagues or past conversations. For example, if a colleague tells you their child’s birthday is soon and you connect with them again later, you might ask them how the birthday party went.

4. Confidence:

In the workplace, people are more likely to respond to ideas that are presented with confidence. There are many ways to appear confident, including by making eye contact when you’re addressing someone, sitting up straight with your shoulders open and preparing ahead of time so your thoughts are clear and you’re able to answer any questions. Confident communication is useful not just on the job but also during the job interview process. Additionally, to display confidence, avoid adding filler words.

5. Sharing feedback:

The key to effective feedback is sharing specific examples of the issue, and the consequences of the issue and asking questions to formulate solutions to the issues. Strong communicators can accept constructive feedback and provide constructive input to others. Feedback can answer questions, provide solutions or help strengthen the project or topic at hand. Providing and accepting feedback is an essential workplace skill, as it can help both you and the people around you make meaningful improvements to their work and their professional development.

A great way to learn how to give feedback is to take notes from others on the feedback they offer you. When you come across a well-explained piece of feedback, take some time to observe and analyze why it was good, why it resonated with you and how you might apply those skills in the future.

6. Empathy:

Having empathy means that you can not only understand but also share in the emotions of others. This communication skill is important in both team and one-on-one settings. In both cases, you attempt to effectively read and translate other people’s emotions and select an appropriate response.

For example, if someone is expressing anger or frustration, empathy can help you acknowledge and diffuse their emotion. At the same time, being able to understand when someone is feeling positive and enthusiastic can help you get support for your ideas and projects.

7. Respect:

A key aspect of respect knows when to initiate communication and respond. In a team or group setting, allowing others to speak without interruption is seen as a necessary communication skill tied to respectfulness. Respectfully communicating also means using your time with someone else wisely—staying on topic, asking clear questions and responding fully to any questions they’ve asked you.

8. Nonverbal cues:

Some amount of communication happens through nonverbal cues such as body language, facial expressions and eye contact. When you’re listening to someone, you may choose to pay attention to what they’re saying and their nonverbal language. It’s essential to not judge others based on their body language, as not all people display the same physical gestures due to cultural or ability differences.

9. Responsiveness:

Whether you’re returning a phone call or sending a reply to an email, employers often view fast communicators as more effective than those who are slow to respond. One method is to consider how long your response takes. Is this a request or question you can answer in the next five minutes? If so, it may be a good idea to address it as soon as you see it. If it’s a more complex request or question, you can still acknowledge that you’ve received the message and let the other person know you’re going to respond in full later.

10. Keep your audience in mind:

Your audience will naturally be more interested and engaged when you tailor your communications to their interests. Piquing their interest by speaking directly to what matters to them will naturally engage their desire to understand and interact with the information.

11. Don’t use 10 words when one will do:

Even the most engaged and committed audience will eventually get bored. Keeping your message simple and concise will make it easier to understand and retain. Remember, you already know what you’re going to say, but they’re hearing it for the first time. Keep it simple.

12. Get them involved: 

If you’ve ever worked as an instructor, manager, trainer, or coach, you’ll know that there are few better ways to learn new information than to teach it. Ask them for their input or to take a role in explaining new concepts and policies to their colleagues.

13. Leverage face-to-face communication when possible: 

Communicating face-to-face adds multiple layers of information to an exchange, whether between two people or two hundred. Often, there’s a synergy created with in-person communication that’s difficult to replicate elsewhere. Here are some tips to make the most of face time with your team.

14. Make eye contact: 

If you’re wondering whether or not your message is getting across, few metrics provide as much feedback as eye contact. You can easily tell if the person you’re speaking to understands you, is distracted, worried, or confused — much of which is lost in digital communication.

15.  Minimize distractions:

If you’re chatting with someone (or a group) face-to-face, keep distractions at bay by leaving unnecessary electronic devices out of the space. Keep the attendance limited to just those who need to be there, and avoid scheduling at a time when people are likely to focus on something else.

Language Skill:

Language skills are the abilities that enable you to express your thoughts coherently and communicate with others. These skills provide structure and relevance to the information you wish to convey to the recipient. Reading, writing, listening and speaking are four essential skills that comprise basic language competency. While communicating, people usually use a combination of these skills simultaneously. Choosing the right skills usually depends on various factors urgency of the message, the number of people targeted and whether it is a formal or informal communication.

Here is some main point of view of language skill. This will help you understand.


1. Listening:

Listening refers to understanding, interpreting and analyzing the speaker’s message. Listening is an integral part of the communication process as it is vital for the listener to stay engaged and actively comprehend what is said. This helps increase clarity, ask relevant questions, frame appropriate responses and prevent misunderstandings. Listening is crucial when participating in meetings, discussions, feedback sessions and interviews.

Listening attentively has several benefits that can be essential even after the conversation is over. Active listening can help you process and store information for later recollection. Focusing on what the person in front of you is saying can also help increase focus and enable you to articulate your thoughts effectively.

2. Speaking:

Speaking is the verbal expression of your thoughts and ideas. Speaking effectively includes having clarity and fluency in your expression and vocabulary. It also includes other essential abilities such as confidence, passion and storytelling. Speaking skills are usually important when companies are hiring new employees. Strong speaking skills can help you progress in your career, contribute during meetings and improve your interpersonal relationships.

3. Writing:

Writing involves presenting your thoughts in the form of text using the right structure and flow of information. Writing includes changing the format and tone of the text as per the target audience. Choosing the right vocabulary, medium and outline for what you wish to convey can ensure that your writing is interesting and delivers the intended message. Writing grammatically accurate text, using short sentences and researching comprehensively are some ways to make your text more impactful.

No matter the role or industry, professionals often write emails, reports, letters and proposals. This makes writing skills essential for all professionals, particularly those in the IT, marketing, strategy, consultancy and data analytics industry.

4. Reading:

Reading skills help understand different texts, their context and inference. These skills are crucial to improving your overall literacy skills as they can help enhance your vocabulary, expression, analysis and communication. Reading different text forms carefully, such as letters, messages, notes, memos, emails and reports, can help prevent miscommunication in your personal and professional relationships. Being attentive and focused while reading can also help you interpret the meaning of the text effectively and retain the information for a longer duration.

IT / Computer Skill:

There are many other computer skills, however, that are commonly used across all industries that are important for most job applicants to know.

Computer skills fit into two categories: hardware and software. Hardware skills allow you to physically operate a computer. Hardware skills can be as simple as knowing how to turn devices on and off. They might also involve more complex tasks like network configuration, system maintenance, configuring drivers and device connection. For these complex tasks, many employers hire trained technicians with advanced computer skills.

Software skills help you to efficiently use computer programs and applications. There are some software skills that employers may consider as prerequisites to employment. Employers may not include some software skills on job posts under the assumption they are universally understood. For example, many employers may believe all applicants have a basic knowledge of word processing programs, like Microsoft Word.

Some of the most important computer skills to learn include the following.

Image: Computer Skill

1. Operating systems:

An operating system is the software that supports and manages a computer’s basic functions. Although there are many different operating systems, most employers use either Windows or MacOS.

If you have more experience in one or the other, it may be helpful to spend some time learning the basics of the other operating system such as input or output handling and file management. You can often find both systems on computers at your local library, although you may also be able to learn on the job as well.

2. Office suites:

Basic knowledge of productivity software suites can add value to your resume. Office software suites are composed of various collaboration and productivity tools, like Microsoft Word, Outlook and Excel. Knowing how to use these applications can help you perform tasks on the job.

Word processors, such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs, are among the most commonly used productivity tools. Employers often assume that most applicants know how to use word processing programs, so these programs may not be listed on a job posting. If you find you are unfamiliar with how to use word processors, it may be helpful to spend time researching the basic skills for these programs.

You may also want to practice navigating the most common features of these applications. Google Docs is a free word processor that you can access online for practice.

3. Presentation software:

Presentation skills are both valuable soft and computer skills. Presentation software is important to have a basic knowledge of in many careers both for organizing and presenting ideas in a company, internally and externally. There are several programs you can use to create presentations, including PowerPoint, which is the most widely used software across industries.

4. Spreadsheets:

Spreadsheets are applications used to organize data and other information into tables and quickly calculate numbers. Spreadsheets can also be used for advanced data analysis. Some employers may expect you to possess a basic working knowledge of spreadsheet software. If you’re applying for more technical jobs, you may need to know how to use advanced spreadsheet features.

Refer to the job posting to understand whether the employer is looking for these skills, and if so, to what level they require you to manipulate data in spreadsheets. If it seems your skills are not advanced enough, spend some time practicing. There are many online and in-person classes you can consider taking.

5. Communication and collaboration tools:

Many businesses use communication and collaboration tools to help with productivity. If relevant to the positions you’re applying to, you might consider listing relevant tools you’re experienced with on your resume. Carefully review the job description to understand whether you should include this information. Tools such as Slack and Skype are popular among businesses where workers often telecommute.

6. Accounting software:

Accounting software skills are important if you are applying for positions in the finance or business sectors. If you’re applying to work for a small business, accounting software skills may be useful if you assume multiple roles in the business. That may include helping manage accounts, payments or other financial data. Some programs also offer financial reporting, invoicing capabilities and tax compliance services.

7. Social media:

Social media skills are now highly desired as companies look to increase and manage their online presence. These skills are more commonly desired for positions in public relations, marketing and advertising. Knowledge of specific social media software like Hootsuite is helpful for these positions. If you’re looking for a career in social media, you might be able to take on small projects at your current company to add these skills to your resume.

8. Data visualization:

Alongside basic knowledge of spreadsheets, having data visualization skills might also be helpful in a data-heavy role. Many data visualization tools are built into the spreadsheet programs like Excel, while some others, such as Tableau or Datawrapper, allow you to take data from spreadsheets for more advanced visualization and analysis. Data visualization is growing in popularity as data analysis becomes more important for businesses, making this a good computer skill to learn.

9. Word processors:

While some word processors are part of a specific suite, like Microsoft Office or Google Docs, there are also word processors you may use outside of these suites, like Scrivener, EverNote and Scribus.

10. Design software:

Knowing how to use design software may not be necessary for all tech jobs, but can be useful depending on your position. For example, you may learn to use Adobe Photoshop or Premiere Pro, or a simple graphic design application like Canva.


Interpersonal Skill:

Unlike technical or “hard” skills, interpersonal skills are “soft” skills that are easily transferable across industries and positions. Employers value interpersonal skills because they contribute to positive work environments and help maintain an efficient workflow.

Here is a list of interpersonal skills for you to identify interpersonal skills you may possess that are valuable to employers.

Image: Interpersonal Skill

1. Active listening:

Active listening means listening to others with the purpose of gathering information and engaging with the speaker. Active listeners avoid distracting behaviors while in conversation with others. This can mean putting away or closing laptops or mobile devices while listening, and asking and answering questions when prompted.

2. Dependability:

Dependable people can be relied on in any given situation. This can include anything from being punctual to keeping promises. Employers highly value dependable workers and trust them with important tasks and duties.

3. Empathy:

A worker’s emotional intelligence is how well they understand the needs and feelings of others. Employers may hire empathetic or compassionate employees to create a positive, high-functioning workplace.

4. Leadership:

Leadership is an important interpersonal skill that involves effective decision-making. Effective leaders incorporate many other interpersonal skills, like empathy and patience, to make decisions. Leadership skills can be used by both managers and individual contributors. In any role, employers value people who take ownership to reach common goals.

4. Teamwork:

The ability to work together as a team is extremely valuable in every workplace. Teamwork involves many other interpersonal skills like communication, active listening, flexibility and responsibility. Those who are good team players are often given important tasks in the workplace and may be seen as good candidates for promotions.


Current Scenario of Job Market in Bangladesh:

1. Graduates vs. Job Opportunities:

Bangladesh produces a large number of graduates each year, leading to a surplus of qualified individuals seeking employment. However, the job market struggles to keep up with this influx, resulting in a competitive environment where securing a job becomes increasingly challenging.

2. Skill Mismatch:

One of the key issues in the job market is the mismatch between the skills possessed by job seekers and the skills demanded by employers. Many graduates lack the necessary skills and experience required for specific job roles, leading to a gap between supply and demand.

3. Limited Opportunities in Traditional Sectors:

The majority of job opportunities in Bangladesh are concentrated in traditional sectors such as agriculture, textiles, and manufacturing. While these sectors continue to play a crucial role in the economy, the lack of diversification limits the availability of jobs in emerging industries.

4. Informal Sector Dominance:

The informal sector, including small businesses and self-employment, dominates the job market in Bangladesh. This sector provides employment to a significant portion of the population but often lacks job security, fair wages, and benefits.

5. Gender Disparity:

Gender disparity remains a significant challenge in the job market. Women face numerous barriers, including societal norms, limited access to education, and discrimination in the workplace. This results in a lower participation rate and limited opportunities for women in the job market.

7. Labor Market:

The labor market in Bangladesh is highly competitive, with a large number of job seekers and limited job openings. This has led to a high unemployment rate, particularly among the youth.

8. Informal Sector:

A significant portion of the workforce in Bangladesh is engaged in the informal sector, which includes small businesses, agriculture, and domestic work. These jobs often lack job security, social protection, and fair wages.


Opportunities for Improvement:

1. Skill Development:

Investing in skill development programs and vocational training can bridge the gap between job seekers’ skills and employers’ requirements. By aligning education with industry demands, graduates can enhance their employability and contribute to economic growth.

2. Promoting Entrepreneurship:

Encouraging entrepreneurship and supporting small and medium-sized enterprises can create more job opportunities. Initiatives such as providing access to capital, mentorship, and business development services can empower individuals to start their own ventures and contribute to the job market.

3. Diversification of Industries:

Promoting the growth of emerging industries such as information technology, renewable energy, and services can diversify the job market. This will provide a wider range of employment options and reduce dependency on traditional sectors.

4. Addressing Gender Disparity:

Efforts should be made to eliminate gender-based discrimination and create a more inclusive job market. Encouraging women’s education, providing equal opportunities, and implementing policies that promote gender equality can help bridge the gender gap in employment.

5. Economic Growth:

Bangladesh has been experiencing significant economic growth, with a steady GDP growth rate over the past decade. This growth has created new job opportunities in various sectors.

6. Emerging Sectors:

Despite the challenges, there are emerging sectors in Bangladesh that offer promising job opportunities. These include the garment industry, information technology, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, and renewable energy.

7. Government Initiatives:

The government of Bangladesh has been implementing various initiatives to address the challenges in the job market. These include skill development programs, entrepreneurship support, and foreign investment promotion.


The job market in Bangladesh presents both challenges and opportunities. While the limited job opportunities and skill mismatch pose hurdles for job seekers, the growing industries, entrepreneurship, foreign investment, and skill development programs offer avenues for employment. Addressing the challenges through education reforms, promoting vocational training, and encouraging investment in diverse sectors will help create a more inclusive and robust job market in Bangladesh. The country also possesses opportunities for growth, particularly in export-oriented sectors and the expanding IT industry. Addressing these challenges requires a collective effort from the government, educational institutions, businesses, and society as a whole. By investing in education reform, promoting entrepreneurship, and fostering a supportive ecosystem, Bangladesh can build a job market that reflects the country’s vibrant potential and contributes to sustainable socio-economic development. The focus should be on improving the quality of employment opportunities, ensuring a closer alignment between education and industry needs, addressing the impact of technological advancements, providing social protection, and fostering inclusive growth. Continued efforts by the government, in partnership with private sector stakeholders and relevant institutions, are essential for creating a sustainable and thriving job market in Bangladesh.


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